The Hoosier Gardener talks with Jud Scott, a certified arborist and owner of Vine & Branch, about the emerald ash borer, Sept. 22 on Indianapolis’ Fox 59’s Morning News. The insect was recently detected in Nora and along the Monon Trail, which is the most south and west area where the bugger has been found. Most of us suspect the deadly insect is all over Marion County, but has not yet been detected. This insect kills all ash species, usually within three to five years of infestation.
What to do? Check back on Sept. 25 to see what some neighbors are doing in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Ind.
Meantime, here are some tips:
- Make sure it is an ash tree. Here’s a good list of resources.
- Know what and emerald ash borer looks like, in comparison to other insects.
- Know the signs and symptoms of emerald ash borer infestation.
- How to protect (or save) your ash trees.
- Whom to contact about the possibility of having EAB in your ash tree, especially if you live in a state that has few, or no, infestations known.
- If you are thinking about moving firewood, here’s where you can learn if it’s allowed or not.
More resources:
Homeowners’ Guide to Insecticide Selection, Use and Environmental Protection