Happy New Year! In the spirit of the season, here’s a resolution for all of us. Identify a plant’s problem before you treat it. I can’t emphasize this enough. This ...
Grateful for this and all seasons
Another year in the garden is about to close, which is a good time to reflect on the past growing season. I’m grateful for the flowers, fruits and vegetables produced in the ...
Try the real thing to celebrate the 2014 Color of the Year
Pantone, the world’s arbiter of hues, has announced Radiant Orchid as the 2014 Color of the Year. Last year, the color was Emerald, which symbolized prosperity and growth. This ...
Grow you own holiday feast
Some foods signify the holidays more than others, and a lot of them come from the garden. Sage, green beans, lettuces and greens, potatoes and sweet potatoes are all easy to grow ...
HortusScope for December 2013
Here's HortusScope for December 2013, a checklist of garden and nature related events compiled as a public service by Wendy Ford of Landscape Fancies. Please click on the link ...
Buy the book(s) for holiday gift(s)
Yellow warbler nests in Indiana. (C) Ryan Sanderson The holidays are with us, so here are some books that I liked and recommend for the gardeners and nature lovers on your ...
Tree insurance and other answers about storm-damaged plants
Hurricane force winds tore through central Indiana last week, wreaking havoc on buildings and trees. We usually have insurance for structures and possessions, but not for trees. ...
Leaf thief fesses up
Ok. I confess. I’m a leaf thief. I have been for years, targeting one neighbor who faithfully chopped and bagged his leaves and left them at the edge of his property. Every fall, ...
Fall color is one reason to plant from the inside view out
Native dogwood colors the view from the inside out. (C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp Several of my BFF on Facebook have been commenting on the gorgeous fall colors this year. The ...
You Can Grow That! November 2013: A bouquet to make someone’s day
Gardeners are lucky. We always have gifts at the ready. We only have to trek to the yard and snip a few flowers, branches, bulbs, seedheads, leaves, evergreen boughs and other ...