Sometimes I think we’re plant snobs. Geraniums (Pelargonium) seem to be at the bottom of the wish list for many gardeners because, well, they are geraniums — ordinary, old ...
Shade-loving plants for the Indiana garden
A couple of weeks ago, the Indianapolis Museum of Art held Shade Savvy, a horticulture symposium. Culling some of the best from the speakers, last week we covered epimedium and ...
March 2013 HortusScope
HortusScope is a calendar of garden and nature related events and activities in Indiana. It is compiled as a public service by Wendy Ford of Landscape Fancies. Please click on ...
Epimediums add color throughout the year
If you are bored with hostas for the shade garden, the experts at the recent Shade Savvy horticulture symposium at the Indianapolis Museum of Art offered up dozens of ...
Plants can be hazardous to your pet’s health
Do you have a killer landscape? You might, depending on which plants you have that are poisonous to pets. Here are some that you might want to avoid: Burning bush (Euonymus ...
You Can Grow That! February 2013: Love-in-the-Mist (Nigella)
Just like a great romance, love-in-the-mist (Nigella damascena) ages well. Not only are the flowers beautiful, the seed heads have a magic all their own. The fennel-like foliage ...
Practice tough love on early emerging spring bulbs
With Indiana’s cold-one-day hot-the-next weather, many spring blooming bulbs have broken ground early. Bulbs planted close to sidewalks, driveways and foundations ...
2013 Spring Garden Clinic
The Hoosier Gardener will review blue flowers in the hopes of squashing the notion among some that there are not blue flowers for the garden. Her talk, I Guess That's Why They Call ...
Online resources help gardeners learn about bugs, plants, birds and more
As we prepare (at least mentally) for the great spring warm up, I thought I’d share some online resources that can help you identify bugs, weeds and other pests, ...
Fake peregrine deters human, but not furry and feathered creatures
My neighbors’ dog goes berserk at the site of squirrels, including the one that lives in a nest in their back yard tree. In the hopes of deterring the squirrels, they mounted a ...