UPDATED March 20, 2011 to announce award given to Garfield Park garden at the Indiana Flower & Patio Show. Finally, after months of near nakedness in the landscape, Mother ...
Most spring bulbs can handle temperature dips in the Indiana garden
In a recent e-mail, S.W. of Indianapolis says she’s worried about daffodils that have emerged in her garden. She knows it will get cold again, and asks “should I cover them if we ...
‘Thriller’ hellebores among new plant sampler
At a perennial plant symposium last month in Indianapolis, we got a glimpse of some new introductions to be on the lookout for. Here’s a sampler: Little Lime (Hydrangea ...
Ticket giveaway for 2011 Flower & Patio Show
Revised March 11, 2011 Congratulations to Steve Brining of Indianapolis and James O'Neill of Anderson for each winning two complimentary tickets to the 2011 Indiana Flower and ...
Witch hazels perfume the Midwestern winter landscape
T.S. Eliot proclaimed April as the cruelest month, but here in Indiana, I say February is the ugliest. That’s how I felt a couple of weeks ago driving from Indianapolis to ...
Horseradish celebrated at annual herb society symposium
The Herb Society of Central Indiana will present Horseradish — The Herb of Kings for the spring Herb Symposium, at the Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian, Carmel, Ind. Horseradish ...
Gardening-for-all theme of Hendricks County Master Gardeners’ fair
Gardening For ALL Ages, sponsored by the Hendricks County Master Gardeners, features speakers, children's booth, vendors, programs, garden tips and door prizes. Admission is free. ...
Safe Urban Gardening topic at herb society meeting
Herb Society of Central Indiana 7 p.m. Monday, March 7, at the John Hensel Gov. Center, 10701 N. College Ave. Gabe Fillippelli, professor earth sciences at IUPUI, will talk about ...
The Hoosier Garden to talk about trees and shrubs at Garfield Park Master Gardener meeting
The Hoosier Gardeners will talk about trees and shrubs that work well in small spaces at the monthly meeting of the Garfield Park Master Gardeners, March 9, 2011. ...
Morgan County Master Gardeners GardenFest
At least 30 vendors, soil analysis, programs, speakers and flower sales to the Morgan County Master Gardeners GardenFest and Pansy Sale, at the National Guard Armory, 1900 Hospital ...