WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory has confirmed late blight infecting tomatoes in several Indiana counties, including Tippecanoe, ...
CBS investigates Wicked Plants
Reporter Martha Tiechner took viewers of the recent CBS Sunday Morning to the wicked side of plants with author Amy Stewart and her garden. Stewart's Wicked Plants was reviewed ...
August HortusScope posted
The August HortusScope has been posted under HortusScope at the left. You’ll find a full month of garden-related activities. ...
Deadly bacteria endangers pets
In the August 2009 issue of Angie's List magazine, I talk about a deadly bacterial disease that can lurk in our landscapes. Leptospirosis almost claimed the life of my dog, Penn, ...
Fragrant by design
Plants produce fragrance to attract pollinators or warn predators. The pleasure the perfume gives humans is an unintended consequence. We enjoy these plants in the garden, cut them ...
Mid-summer boost
Hoosier Gardener on Fox59 Morning News – July 29, 2009 ...
Pop honeysuckle right out of the ground
I just watched a video on a really cool tool called the Honeysuckle Popper, which literally pops bush honeysuckle and other shrubs right out of the ground. It was sent to me by The ...
Eye candy at horticulture show
A few weeks ago, Irvin Etienne, a horticulturist from the Indianapolis Museum of Art and a fellow member of Garden Writers Association, and I went to OFA in Columbus, Ohio, the ...
Lilies bloom rain or shine
There's something very special about the charming little rain lily (Zephyranthes grandiflora), which makes it a pass-along, or heirloom, in many families. In the recent Old House ...
Ahoy mate! Pirates at Garfield Park
At least 200 tons of sand have been delivered to the Garfield Park Arts Center, where it will be sculpted into a 100-ton pirate ship and five other pirate-themed ...