As summer winds down, we’re thinking two seasons ahead. That’s because a lot of spring color comes from bulbs, which are planted this time of year for enjoyment months ...
Recycle your plastic pots at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
Spread the word! Gardeners can clean up their piles of empty nursery pots in sheds, garages and yard and help out the Indianapolis Museum of Art Greenhouse at the same time. By ...
Late blooming perennials and cold tolerant annuals extend the season of color
This time of year, mums tempt us with their colorful blossoms that promise to extend the season a few more weeks. But there are other flowering plants that color the landscape this ...
Fashionable plants goal of Hort Couture brand
One of the joys of being a garden writer is trying new plants. One brand, Hort Couture, markets color and plant combinations as ‘kits,’ providing the perfect solution for pots, ...
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day September 2011
I think I’m about as worn out as the garden. Sure, there are a few things blooming, but mostly, the yard seems over run with weeds, especially a sedge. We all know how hard sedges ...
‘Lucifer’ tempts us with sinfully red flowers that last a long time
This year I broke down and brought ‘Lucifer’ home. ‘Lucifer’ is a crocosmia, a long-blooming summer bulb-like plant that tempts hummingbirds (and humans) with large, arched ...
Reduce your labor in the landscape with these tips
In honor of Labor Day weekend, here’s are some tips for saving time and reducing work in the landscape. Keep a watering can or bucket close to the hose. This way you can fill ...
HortusScope for October 2011
Here's a calendar of garden and nature related activities in Indiana for September, 2011. It is complied as a public service by Wendy For of Landscape Fancies, LLC. Click on the ...
Tallamy emphasizes importance of native plants to wildlife corridors
Doug Tallamy is the Pied Piper of native plants. Hear him speak or read his book Bringing Nature Home, and you’ll grab a spade, dig a hole and plant a native plant. That’s what ...
Doug Tallamy to speak about wildlife corridors and native plant in South Bend, Ind.
Who: Doug Tallamy, professor and author of Bringing Nature Home. What: Networks for Life: Addressing the Biodiversity Crisis through Landscape Connectivity When: 7:30 p.m., ...