For the last few weeks, I’ve enjoyed taking my dog, Bisque, for a walk in the morning before I go to work. With the state’s insistence that we follow Daylight Saving Time, the before work morning jaunt will not be possible in daylight again for several more weeks. I hate Daylight Saving Time and it just makes no sense for Indiana to follow a New York time clock.
This dramatic loss of daylight in the morning disrupts the body clock and initiates a groggy, too-much-sleep feeling. But then I’m a morning person.
Indiana is a lot closer to Chicago, which is on Central Time. It’s actually light during normal morning hours in Chicago, something that would happen here if the state moved to Central Time. Hope springs eternal. Meantime, I hate Daylight Saving Time.
Researcher report increased incidents of heart attacks and suicides. The grogginess can be risky on the roads, too.
More thoughts:
I’m Indiana, too, and I so agree. The mornings finally get perfect and then they go and change the time. And my kids never experienced fireflies because it’s still way too light at bedtime in the summer.
Looking forward to following your gardening again this year!
I’m a morning person, too, so I enjoy the morning light more, but then I work during the day, so I also take advantage of the evening light to spend more time in the garden. All it really means is I stay up too late, get up too early and it takes me forever to adjust to the spring time change.
I am also an ardent fan of central time for the last several years and write about it occasionally on my blog, including one this week.
Bill Starr
Columbus, Indiana
Wed, 17 Mar 2010, 7:34 am EDT