Greenery and snippets from the landscape make for a lovely winter container. (C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
This will be short and sweet. Had surgery on my left arm…”cubital tunnel syndrome with transpositioning of the ulnar nerve.” Basically, the doc snipped a ligament (“you don’t need it,” he says) and moved the nerve. Arm is in a big bandage and crooked at an angle that makes typing a challenge. Can you hear one hand typing?
And, I must confess that I missed filing my report for Nov. 15, 2011, so I can’t really miss two months in a row or Carol from May Dreams Gardens, the instigator of Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, might kick me out.

(C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
So, the joy in the garden this time of year is shown in the winter/holiday outdoor arrangements with greenery purchased from a garden center mixed with some snippets from the landscape. I’ve been on a spray-painting kick this year, touching up curly willow for some clients’ pots, the seed heads of rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), ‘Annabelle’ and White Dome hydrangeas (H. arborescens). And I love the wayRussian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) adds a bit of silver among the greens.

Cinnamon Snow hellebore from Skagit Gardens. (C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
And, joy of joys…Cinnamon Snow hellebore (H. x ballardiae) is budded up and should bloom any day. It’s one of the Helleborus Gold Collection from Skagit Gardens. It’s a new cultivar for me and so far, let’s say I’m impressed.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
I’m impressed so far with my new hellebore, too. And I’m impressed that you typed that whole post with one hand. Hoping you have a speedy recovery so you’ll be ready for gardening this spring.