The Hoosier Gardener has had several requests for a one-stop shop, where people can find answers to their gardening questions. We’ve gathered this info and will likely add to it as we identify more resources. These are curated items, from Purdue, Ohio State and other sources. Think about it like a Gardening 411.
Our website has a decent search function, so plug in a key word or two and if we’ve written about it, you’ll find it. Also to keep you on track, the Hoosier Gardener publishes a monthly checklist of what to do in the garden.
Thank you for stopping by. We hope to see you often. While you are here, please sign up for the Hoosier Gardener’s free, monthly newsletter. Also, let me know if there’s a gardening topic missing you’d like to see included.
General Gardening
Compost 101: All About Composting
Good Gardening Videos, curated videos with lots of how-tos
Indiana Native Plant Society, where you’ll find recommendations for all landscaping needs, including wet and dry areas, sun and shade, different soils and other conditions. You can also register your garden’s Indiana natives plant and get a sign to display.
INPS Facebook page, open to public.
Indiana Nut and Fruit Growers Association
Learn About Herbs (Herb Society of America)
Indiana Daylily and Iris Society
Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings
Apple Cultivars for Central Indiana
New Pest Identified in Raspberries
Pollinator Gardens
How to Build a Pollinator Garden
Trees and Shrubs
Planting and Transplanting Landscape Trees and Shrubs
Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Home Vegetable Gardening Program, enroll and receive a flash drive so you can learn at your own pace at home. Fee: $30. Enrollment deadline April 7.
Indiana Vegetable Planting Calendar
Managing Pests in the Home Vegetable Garden