Potted hydrangeas are forced into bloom and best appreciated as a short-term spring plant in a pot. © Marina Lohrbach/123rf.com
This time of year, potted hydrangea and azalea are popular gifts. Unintentionally, these gifts come with guilt. That’s because a lot of recipients don’t know what to do with these plants and people feel compelled to keep them alive forever.
Allow me to assuage you guilt.
These plants are grown in a greenhouse and forced into bloom for the season. Think of them as a short-lived commodity, like a bouquet of flowers. You would not think about planting the bouquet outdoors. You’d just enjoy it while the flowers looked good, then tossed them in the compost pile (or trash) when they faded.
Florist hydrangea
The potted hydrangea, with its big mophead flowers, is commonly called a florist hydrangea or hortensia (H. macrophylla var. macrophylla). Plant it in a pot by itself or with cool-season annuals, such as pansies or violas. Place the pot on a step or in a flowerbed for the spring season. The blooms may be damaged by long periods of below freezing temperatures. Full sun may speed up the aging of the blooms. Keep the soil moist, but not sopping wet.
Even though it is rated as winter hardy, it suffers the same fate as many other big leaf (macrophylla) hydrangeas in Indiana. The flower buds frequently are killed by spring temperatures, resulting in a lovely green-leafed shrub with no blooms. I’m not saying these can’t be wintered over, but it’s a lot of worry and as an unreliable bloomer, not worthy of space in my garden.

Enjoy the frost tender, potted azalea as a houseplant. © Robert Byron/123rf.com
Potted azalea
The potted azalea (Rhododendron simsii) is a tender relative of the azaleas and rhododendrons we grow in our gardens. It is bred for its large, long lasting flowers, which may be lavender, peach, pink, red or white. Some are bicolor. Potted azaleas can be found at other times during the year, such as Mother’s Day.
Place the potted azalea in an area with bright light and cool temperatures, and it will bloom for about a month. The soil should be moist, but not wet. If you’re up to the challenge of getting it to rebloom, this azalea needs about 60 days of temperatures in the 40-55 degree range in winter for it to set flower buds.
You might be able to get more information if the plant came with a tag that gave the cultivar name. However, most people enjoy this as a short-term houseplant. It can be moved to a sunny spot outdoors where its glossy, dark green leaves will look nice in a pot with summer annuals, then tossed at the end of the season.