Visit an area garden during the holiday, such as Garfield Park and its train exhibit in the conservatory, through Jan. 8, 2012. © Fritz Nerding
Thank you readers for your questions and good cheer for another year. Here are my wishes for you:
May all of your indoor and outdoor plants be strong and healthy.
Eat local and buy your produce locally. Farmers markets abound throughout the state, making it easier to get greens, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, blueberries, strawberries and many other fruits and veggies throughout the growing season. Even in winter, you can find root crops, such as potatoes and parsnips, and greens at farmers markets.
Realize that Mother Nature is not perfect. A bug-eaten leaf is not the end of the world and may not require any corrective action on your part.
Reject plants in the garden center that do not look healthy. Plants should not have insect eaten leaves, look chlorotic, have dried foliage or dead flowers.
Yank out invasive species in the landscape, such as Japanese or Asian honeysuckles, garlic mustard and Canada thistle.
Champion a green initiative in your home, workplace, neighborhood or community, such as recycling, pulling invasive species from a natural area or planting native plants.
Have patience with the landscape. Remember what they say: gardening is the slowest of the performing arts.
Rid your garden of a plant that is not thriving, doing what you want it to do or in other ways, disappoints you.
Ignore claims about plants that seem to good to be true. They are.
Stop applying insecticides, fungicides or herbicides in the lawn and garden before you know if the problem is an insect, fungus or weed. Always read and follow the label directions.
Try something new in the flower or vegetable garden.
May your garden be weed free in 2012.
Attend a garden show, lecture, garden tour or other nature related event. You might find a new plant to try, learn something new or just enjoy rubbing elbows with other gardeners.
Support a local park, nature area or other outdoor venture by donating time or talent.
Good advice, and Merry Christmas!