Rose thorns can be dangerous in the garden. (C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
Most of us connect stepping on a rusty nail with tetanus, the bacterial disease sometimes called lockjaw.
But nearly one-third (31 percent) of injuries that resulted in tetanus came in the garden or on the farm, according to “Tetanus Surveillance: United States 1998-2000,” a 2003 report from the Centers for Disease Control.
Tetanus cases were reported in 31 states, including Indiana, which had three. Although the overall number of reported cases was small — 130 — about 20 percent resulted in death.
Gardeners are at risk if they get cut by the blades of lawnmowers, snips, loppers, chainsaws and other tools. Puncture wounds or scratches from the thorns of roses and brambles or just a simple splinter also can introduce the bacteria. The disease occurs when bacteria laden soil, road dust and other matter, enters the wound, even the tiny ones you don’t give a second thought.
Tetanus affects the nervous system and among the first symptoms are spasms in the jaw and a stiff or locked jaw.
Children to young adults get booster vaccinations for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussus (whooping cough). But as we move into middle age, many of us don’t keep up with these vaccinations. There’s currently a public service campaign alerting parents and other adults to the danger of spreading whooping cough to infants.
For gardeners, medical experts recommend a tetanus shot every 10 years, but check with your health care provider.
Here are some other tips from the CDC.
- Protect yourself from sunburn by wearing long sleeves, a wide brim hat and sun screen rated to at least 15 SPF.
- Protect your ears from the loud mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws and other noisy tools.
- Take frequent breaks from the sun when it is hot. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
- Always read and follow the label directions of the products you use in the lawn and garden.