I’m watching to the PBS NewsHour and the heads are talking about inaction in Congress to help resolve the economic crisis. Many have left town and won’t be back until after Labor Day.
Meanwhile, our country has more than 40 million jobless and many of their support options have dwindled if not disappeared. Nearly 1 million Hoosiers are food insecure. Children make up most of that number. Where and when the next meal will come, they don’t know, according to Feeding America’s 2019 annual report, the most recent available.
This is where you can help.
GardenComm: Garden Communicators International launched Plant A Row for the Hungry in 1995, with the idea that gardeners would plant a row and food from that space would be donated to feed the hungry.
Even if you don’t have an “official row,” donate food from your garden to a food kitchen, food pantry or other organizations that will get your extra to the people who need it. And as you plan your garden for next year, considering Planting a Row.
Here’s a list where you can take your extra produce.
Indiana Food Pantries
Indiana Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens
Food Bank for Northwest Indiana