Eight gardens will be on the 4th annual Noblesville Tour of Gardens, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., June 20, at The Wellingtons.
Tickets: Adults, $12; children ages 12 and under, free
Where to buy: Advanced tickets available at various Noblesville shops and through www.NoblesvillePreservation.com. Day of the tour, you can buy tickets at the garden of David and Catherine Simmons, 138 Somerset Court.
For more information: 317.773.4549, Noblesville Preservation Alliance
Proceeds benefit the Noblesville Preservation Alliance, which works to enhance the quality of life in Noblesville by promoting the preservation of historic neighborhoods and resources. Sponsorships for the Tour of Gardens and the NPA’s upcoming 23rd annual historic Tour of Homes, Sept. 12, 2009, are available.