You know how forgetful we can be. Forget what we planted and when, for instance. Mother Nature pulls through for us, though.
A few weeks ago while weeding, I glimpses a patch of small pink flowers barely visible under the White Dome hydrangea.
It took me several minutes to remember the flowers were hardy cyclamen (C. hederifolium). I planted the corms a year ago for late summer and fall blooming perennials that thrive in shade. This plant is hardy to USDA Zone 5, which includes northern Indiana to Indianapolis’ northern suburbs.
We’re already familiar with the florist cyclamen (C. persicum), usually found in garden centers and florists around holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. It is sold primarily as a gift plant or short-lived, but long-blooming houseplant. These houseplants have large, showy flowers, but are not winter hardy and they are a challenge to get to rebloom. Some gardeners plant these outdoors in spring and summer to edge a flower bed or they tuck them into containers.
Another cyclamen (C. coum) also is considered winter hardy to USDA Zone 6, which includes central and southern Indiana. This one blooms early to midwinter.
Look for hardy cyclamen in bulb catalogs.
Tough-as-nail annual
Bidens used to be a don’t-bother-to-plant annual, because it was such a weak grower, spindly and just unhappy.
In the last few years, plant breeders have bolstered bidens, improving the flower power and overall toughness.
The best example this year is ‘Blazing Glory’ bidens, which has bloomed orange-yellow flowers all summer with only periodic attention from the hose. It sits in a newly planted area, a gravel garden of sorts, designed by Wendy Ford of Landscape Fancies for low-water plants and soil retention.
‘Blazing Glory’ has been holding its own at the tough corner of this bed where it meets the asphalt driveway in blazing hot sun. The trash can has been thrown at it at least twice this summer. ‘Blazing Glory’ has been a trouper and I look forward to growing it again next summer. Other fine varieties to consider: ‘Campfire Fireburst’ and Beedance series.
Give bidens a chance. Experiment with different varieties and I’m sure you’ll find one suited for your landscape or pot.
Wendy says
Thanks for the shout-out, Jo Ellen. You’re the best!