Plant societies do more in Indianapolis than cherish their favorite flora.
Members of the Herb Society of Central Indiana have been volunteering in the Children’s Garden at Garfield Park. This year, they installed huge recyled tires, planted herbs and helped develop educational programs for Junior Master Gardeners and other kids involved in the garden. “I am very thrilled to be a part of this project, my family and friends have a long history in the area,” said Penny Klee, a volunteer from the herb society.
“I am a new member and this is very rewarding for my first project. (The herb society) looks forward to a long relationship with Garfield Park,” she said.
Volunteers from the Indianapolis Hosta Society recently planted their favorite plant at one of the entryways to Holliday Park. The garden, at the south entrance off Spring Mill Road, allows the society to showcase the beauty of hostas, said Randy Goodwin, a member of the society.
“The main focus was to display massed single cultivar plantings with outstanding specimens as accents. Rock outcroppings enabled us to place the plants on several levels,” Goodwin said.
At the Holliday Park Nature Center today (June 13) will be the society’s annual Hosta Show and sale. The public is invited to the noon sale and the show, which follows.
Hail-damaged hosta
If your hostas were shredded by the recent hail storm, here are some tips from Goodwin:
- Large or blue hostas with spring growth, leave alone. “If you cut those to the ground, they will never recover. Clean up the most tattered or unsightly portions and leave the remains,” he said.
In northeastern Marion County and the Fishers area, Goodwin has had reports that hosts were decimated down to the leaf stems, called petioles. “On those plants, even a plant with only standing petioles, leave alone, he said.
- Medium to small hostas in greens or yellows, “then a total cutback is acceptable.”
Goodwin has had the same queries from hosta society members who’ve had to opt out of this year’s show. “That’s gardening and nature,” he said.