At the end of the season harvest tomatoes and peppers to finish ripening indoors. (C) Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
- Dig and repot herbs growing outdoors, or take cuttings to pot up and grow indoors.
- Bring houseplants that spent the summer outdoors back indoors before night temperatures fall below 55 degrees. Gradually decrease light to acclimate plants and help reduce leaf drop. Check for insects and disease before putting them with other plants.
- Plants, such as tuberous and waxed begonias, impatiens, fuschia and geraniums, may be dug from the ground or containers and repotted for indoor enjoyment during the winter. Cuttings also may be taken, rooted in a growing medium and repotted for the winter.
- Thanksgiving or Christmas cactus can be forced into bloom. Provide plants 15 hours of complete darkness each day for about eight weeks. Keep temperature at about 60 to 65 degrees.
- Poinsettias should be kept in complete darkness for 15 hours daily from about Oct. 1 to about Dec. 10.
- Begin stocking up gardening supplies before they are removed for the season from retailers’ shelves. Pots, potting mixes, fertilizers and other products may be harder to find later in the season.
General landscape
- Don’t be alarmed if evergreens, especially white pine and arborvitae, drop needles. All evergreens shed needles at some time, but not all at once like deciduous plants do.
- Apply high-nitrogen fertilizer to lawns at the rate of 1 pound actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Here’s more info on taking care of established lawns.
- Plant container-grown or balled-and-burlapped nursery stock. Mulch well and keep newly planted stock well watered until the ground freezes.
- Reseed bare spots or put in new lawns using a good quality seed mixture. Fall is the best time to do lawn repairs or put in a new one.
- Early fall is a good time to apply broadleaf weed killers. Follow label directions and spray on a calm day to prevent drift.
- Continue watering gardens, shrubs and trees if rainfall doesn’t reach an inch or more every week or 10 days. It’s important for plants to go into cold weather with adequate moisture.
- Prepare new beds now for planting next spring. The soil is usually easier to work in the fall and fall-prepared beds allow for earlier plantings in spring. Beds may be mulched with compost, chopped leaves or other organic material during the winter, if desired. Avoid fall tilling when there’s a chance of soil erosion.
- Apply a layer of organic materials to garden beds in the fall. This includes rotted or composted manure, compost, chopped leaves or a slow-release organic fertilizer.
- Plant, transplant or divide peonies, daylilies, poppies, iris, phlox and other perennials.
- Order spring-flowering bulbs or purchase locally. Begin planting them at the end of the month. Planting too early can cause top growth to sprout before winter; allow four to six weeks for good root formation before ground freezes.
- Dig tender bulbs, such as cannas, caladiums, tuberous begonias and gladiolus, before frost. Air dry and store in dry peat moss or vermiculite.
- Cut flowers in the garden for drying and use in everlasting arrangements. Strawflower, statice, baby’s breath, celosia and other plants can be hung upside down in a well-ventilated dry area.
Vegetables and fruits
- Dig onions and garlic after tops fall over and necks begin to dry.
- Plant radishes, sets for green onions, lettuce and spinach for fall harvest.
- Thin fall crops, such as lettuce and carrots, that were planted earlier.
- Harvest tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and sweet potatoes before frost; cover plants with blankets, newspapers (no plastic) to protect from light frost.
- Harvest winter squash when mature (skin is tough) with deep, solid color, but before hard frost.
- Harvest apples, pears, grapes, ever-bearing strawberries and raspberries.
- Remove raspberry canes after they bear fruit.
- Keep area around apple (including crabapple) and other fruit trees clean of fallen fruit, twigs and leaves to reduce insects and disease carryover.
TO: Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp: Thank you for your great work as a journalist with a broad range and gift for empathy with readers. We recall your writing years ago with The Muncie Star during our tenure with Ball Corporation and have enjoyed your columns since in The Indianapolis Star. We plan to follow with interest your next, phase through your online presence. Just subscribed and enjoyed reading hoosiergardener.com.
Congratulations, and thank you for
Continuing to inform your readers
Even though The Star’s dropped
Your column.
Thank you, Ed.
So glad you are doing this newsletter.
Your column was the highlight of the Star for me. I looked forward to it every Sunday. I tried to subscribe at the address in the article for your free monthly newsletter, but it took me to some site with a monkey on it. Is that right?
Hi, Karen — yes — the program that I use to send out the newsletter is called Mail Chimp.
Thank you, Helen. I hope you find it useful.
Hi, Ann — thanks so much for writing. I hope you are well.
So happy to see that you’re continuing to educate all of us online. However, I’ll miss you in the Indianapolis Star, just as I missed your co-star Dick Crum when he left. Thank you for doing what you do best, and I look forward to each and every one of your newsletters.
Thanks, Pat.
Jo Ellen,
Thanks for continuing your newsletter. Love all the useful tips and miss your column in the Star. I look forward to your newsletter each month! ❤️🌸
Thank you, Marilee.
Thank you for this newsletter.very informative
I so appreciate all the horticultural information you post each month; and I look forward to it because I learn something new each month! As climate change impacts us more and more, I know I’ll depend on your posting to keep me up-to-date with best practices!!
Thanks, Lynne. I like doing it.
Thank you, Judy. I like doing it.